Human in reality...

Before I start with all these "conscience", I just have to show you this guys. It's a very unique in my opinion. This person has defined conscience and I really amazed me.

"Conscience, n. A disease of the spirit skin to indigestion of the stomach. It can be treated using the acceptance of those to whom one confesses and contraction can be prevented by always practicing safe crime — that is, only doing evil while part of a group."

Humans may tend to claim that their motives and intentions behind the struggle to achieve personal goals comes from a moral conscience, ultimately humans are driven by base, ulterior motives such as money, power, or fame.

Throughout history, we see many well-known people sacrifice their comfort and well-being to achieve a goal that all of humanity will benefit from it. Galileo risked the wrath of the church to publish his world-changing scientific discoveries while Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. risked their lives for peace and freedom. Though such seemingly selfless endeavors may have been driven by morals and ethics, it cannot be denied that ultimately these historical figures gained an unprecedented amount of fame and power in the form of influence on later generations of mankind. Trying to set an example, it is impossible to deny these decorated individuals weren't after making some kind of lasting impact on future generations in addition to their primary, selfless goals. Therefore, humans may be driven by their conscience, but ultimately, ulterior motives will compromise the integrity of such endeavors for no reason other than the inevitability of human nature.

Humans are selfish creatures by nature. In the Harry Potter series, Harry's hero, Dumbledore himself, once advocated the killing of weaker muggles for "the greater good", while actually fighting for power and the love of his partner. Therefore, it is evident that though humans may claim to be struggling to achieve some higher purpose, their intentions are in reality, quite rudimentary and selfish, and their actions will contradict their initial purposes.

Though many say money cannot buy happiness, money can change lives, so humans do try to attain material wealth. Actors visit third-world countries not only to help, but also to make themselves "look good". Presidents strive for the well-being of their nations, but also for power and eternal remembrance and glory in the records of history. Money and power are a significant driving force in human goals.

Humans may be driven by their conscience to try and change the world, but they are more likely driven by a material desire.

Conscience serves as the deceptive cover for an actually more base, and less noble endeavor that is actually driven by the selfishness innate in human nature.


It is said that ethics is a practical and normative science.. Normative science as said in the book " establishes norms or standards for direction and regulation of human actions" ---- If there is such a standard how would an individual determine if the act done was right or wrong? Each Individual has different opinion and standards. I just think that no matter how morally responsible he is, there's always the tendency that for others are not ethical. Confusing but how far would you evaluate yourself? How far have you accomplished of practicing ethics with simple situations?

It is my first time to hear about Bioethics, maybe because people in the UK are not that really bothered to tackle things happening in Environment. The fact there are studies and experimenting on people, injecting medicines that would make a man's face look like an elephant. There were abortion, euthanasia and IVF. Technologies have done so much in medical field not to realize how immoral is it to play or come up with these things just to produce or get rid of something or should I say "someone". As for this how would we classify these people, was it vincible or invincible ignorance? We all know we do things that the fact we are aware of it and on the other hand, we tend to do things that we're unaware.

We are only human that has privileges and limitations. We came from the same journey, from conception as the beginning of life and until death and life. How come it seems that other individual acts as if they came from different journey, ethics is doing good... ethics is knowing what's right and wrong... knowing the difference of right from wrong...

Taught to be morally responsible but instead they'd go for the worse situation they could ever be. Makes me wonder about these knowledgeable people were hurriedly revising for there exams way back College just to pass their Health Ethics subject, didn't eve care to uderstand a single thing about Ethics and Life....

Basta ako! Ethics is doing good and knowing what's wrong, respecting other lives by giving guide and not interfere with someone's perception.
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