New Year! New role

Been a long time since my last blog here. Before anything else, Happy New Year everyone.... I have had lots to tell but none of them was I able to share it. Things around me that have happened and changed. Year 2013 has been a tough one for me yet full of blessings. I gave birth to a healthy son despite of having complicated pregnancy and being on a bed rest for a month or two. All worth the sacrifices made!!!

To all mothers out there, I am all ears to your ideas and suggestions on everything as a mum and a wife. Never thought how rewarding it is to be a mum at this early. Seeing my son just smile at me takes away all my worries and exhaustion from sleepless nights. As a first time mum, learning new things everyday is something I thank to God and to the people around me who helps me be a real mum to my son and see how should I be.

As a full time mother and wife, I spend most taking care our baby and when asleep, I do chores or sometimes I bake, my stress reliever and therapy. I'm not a good cook but hopefully I'll do well in the kitchen soon. Some did not turn out well and there are that did turn a success! First time turns not good sometimes but there's always next time. :-)


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